akhmadjon | Sawadee Reizen



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Zijderoute, Oezbekistan,


  My full name is Matkarimov Akhmadjon. I was born on Miay 23, 1984 in Bagat district, Khorezm region, the Republic of Uzbekistan, I finished general secondary education school in 2001. During the years of 2002-2003, I studied at Samarkand Professional College of Tourism, on the specialty of guide. I studied at Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages from  2004 to 2008, on the specialty of philologist, teacher of English and Turkish languages at the faculty of English philology. In 2009 I started to work as an English teacher and in 2012, I got my certificate of guiding, then I started to work as a local guide in the historical city Khiva, Khorezm region. During the years of 2015 -2017, I studied at Urgench State University, for getting my master degree on the specialty of Linguistics of English language. Since 2015, I have been working as a guide

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