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  • Family
  • Wildlife
  • Family Bestsellers
  • Ages 9 - 12 years
  • Ages 13 - 16 years
  • Mixed-Activity
  • Food

    • — Stay at a Kinabatangan jungle lodge with jungle walks and wildlife river cruises — Visit Kinabalu National Park, trekking and bathing in hot springs — See the orangutans of Sepilok and proboscis monkeys of Labuk Bay — Spectacular snorkelling and relax on white-sand beaches in Tunku Abdul Marine Park
  • 1

    Start Kota Kinabalu

    The adventure starts at our hotel in Kota Kinabalu. Today is a free day but there is a welcome meeting in the evening with your tour leader; details of where and when this will take place will have been left at the hotel reception. Check-in is from 2pm. Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Sabah, is an intriguing city born between the Borneo jungle and the South China Sea. Having recovered from Second World War bombings, KK now possesses a gateway charm only found in frontier towns. If you have enough free time, immerse yourself in local history at the Sabah State Museum or visit the Mari Mari Cultural Village for a fun, interactive learning experience. Accommodation: Dreamtel Hotel (or similar)

  • 2

    Hike through rubber and fruit plantation; spend the night in a homestay in Tanak Nabalu village

    Leaving the city, we head towards Mount Kinabalu. After two hours to 2hr 30min, we arrive at the Dusun village of Tanak Nabalu (please note, the roads to the village are quite bad so we may have to use smaller minibuses for this journey). The Dusun people are the largest ethnic group in Sabah, the province of Borneo where we find ourselves. In the village, we are separated into different homestays and spend the rest of the day hiking through orchards and rubber plantations, going for a swim in the river, exploring the village and, possibly, if anyone is feeling energetic, playing football on the village pitch. This evening, we gather for a cultural show, which helps the Dusun people preserve their ancient, traditional dances. As not all families speak English, our tour leader hands out language sheets and assists with communication. Accommodation: Tanak Nabalu homestay

  • 3

    To Kinabalu National Park, exploring the lower trails and botanical gardens; overnight in local resort lodge

    Following breakfast, this morning we transfer to Kinabalu National Park (approximately 30 minutes). Here we go for a one to two-hour hike along some of the lower trails and the Mountain Botanical Gardens, which has an excellent showcase of the mountain’s diverse plant life. There is the option to visit the Kundasang War Memorial, which commemorates prisoners of war who died during the infamous death marches of the Second World War. The memorial is formed of four gardens: the Australian, English, Malaysian and the Contemplation Garden that represent the different nationalities. We then take a short transfer to the Zen Garden Resort, where we spend the night. Accommodation: Zen Garden Resort (or similar)

  • 4

    Transfer to Sabah Tea Gardens; soak in Poring Hot Springs and take to the trees with a canopy walk

    This morning, we transfer (one hour) to the Poring Hot Spring, where we have plenty of time to enjoy the cool pools and hot tubs (into which the steaming hot water is piped) plus the well-maintained, self-guided walking trails to a nearby waterfall. The hot springs can get quite busy, especially during school and public holidays, so you may wish to pay the additional charge to enjoy a private bath if you want a good soak. We later take to the trees as we head on a canopy walkway, which follows a trail including several suspension bridges hanging from the trees at canopy level, some up to 130ft (40m) above the ground. There is also a butterfly and orchid garden within the complex. We later take a short transfer to the Sabah Tea Gardens, where we spend the night in a traditional reconstructed longhouse with shared bathrooms. Accommodation: Sabah Tea Longhouse

  • 5

    Visit tea factory; onto Kinabatangan; enjoy morning and afternoon river cruises; explore the jungle on foot

    Waking to spectacular views over the mountain, we start with an early morning visit to the tea plantation, learning about tea production, before driving to Kinabatangan (approximately five to six hours). The Kinabatangan River is the longest in Sabah and the lower reaches are recognised as one of the best places in Southeast Asia for wildlife viewing. The forests are home to 10 primate species, including orangutans, proboscis monkeys and gibbons, plus hornbills, crocodiles and the elusive pygmy elephants, which drink at the river. We spend the next day and a half exploring the jungle. We go on river cruises, jungle hikes, a night walk and plant trees. Accommodation: Bilit Adventure Lodge (or similar)

  • 7

    Visit Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre and optional visit to the Rainforest Discovery Centre and Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre

    The next two days are spent in and around Sepilok. The drive to Labuk Bay and the proboscis monkey sanctuary takes about three to four hours. These monkeys, only found in Borneo, are very distinctive with their large noses and can often be seen jumping between trees with tremendous leaps through the air. After visiting the sanctuary, we continue to Sepilok (about 40 minutes’ away) where we stay in a guesthouse with a pool just five minutes from the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre. The Kabili Sepilok Reserve, established in the 1960s, is home to between 60 and 80 rehabilitated orangutans, which roam freely in the forest. Additionally, the rehabilitation centre was established to care for the apes and is home to a further 25 young, orphaned orangutans who live in a nursery. The rehabilitation centre provides medical care for the orphaned and confiscated apes plus various other wild animals. While the semi-wild orangutans roam free in the reserve and forage for food, their diet is supplemented by milk and banana. There are two feedings a day, at 10am and 3pm, and we have the opportunity to witness both. There is also the opportunity to visit the nearby Borneo Sun Bear Conservation Centre. The smallest of all bears, sun bears were once widely found across much of Asia but have drastically decreased in numbers. The centre aims to protect and promote conservation to return these bears to the forest. The nearby Rainforest Discovery Centre is a centre for environmental education within the Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve. Its primary function is to create public awareness and appreciation of the importance of conserving forests, as well as the sustainable use of forest resources. The 482ft (147m) long, 92ft (28m) high steel canopy walkway gives spectacular views of beautiful rainforest giants, such as the mengaris tree, and there are 250 bird species to spot. Accommodation: Sepilok Jungle Resort (or similar)

  • 9

    Fly back to Kota Kinabalu; free time to relax or explore Kota Kinabalu

    Later this morning we head to Sandakan Airport (about 25 minutes) for our flight back to Kota Kinabalu (40 minutes). Please note, there is a 33lb (15kg) restriction on checked baggage for the domestic flight, but it is possible to pay for excess luggage at the airport or your leader can arrange this at the start of the tour. Upon arrival in Kota Kinabalu, we transfer to the Grandis Hotel & Resort, where we spend the last three nights of the trip. The hotel’s prime location near the waterfront provides easy access to the markets and restaurants as well as the city jetty. The rest of the day is free to relax and enjoy the hotel swimming pool or wander through the markets at leisure. Accommodation: Grandis Hotel & Resort (or similar)

  • 10

    Spend the day snorkelling and swimming in Tunku Abdul Marine Park

    Today we explore Tunku Abdul Marine Park on a snorkelling trip to some of the best sites with vibrant coral and colourful fish! There will also be time for swimming and relaxing on white sand beaches on one on the islands within the marine park. Accommodation: Grandis Hotel & Resort (or similar)

  • 11

    Free day and optional final group dinner

    Today is a free day for last-minute shopping, sightseeing or to enjoy optional activities on offer, including participating in a traditional cooking class or join a half day kayak on the Tembara river. Your leader can advise during the trip (additional cost, payable locally). There is also the option for families to take a short boat ride and go island hopping from the city jetty (located by the hotel) to the nearby islands for a day at the beach and snorkelling. Alternatively, you may wish to relax by the pool before our final evening together. Please note: The Tembara River kayaking optional excursion has been closed until further notice. Accommodation: Grandis Hotel & Resort (or similar)

  • 12

    End Kota Kinabalu

    The trip ends after breakfast in Kota Kinabalu. Of course, if you’d like to explore a little longer, speak to your sales representative about booking post-tour nights.

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