ana paula | Sawadee Reizen

ana paula

ana paula

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I’m Ana Paula, TL since 2017 I also became a certified federal guide in MX in 2020. I have a background in Geology and and a master on Earth Science. My passion has always been the mountains, so I’m also a mountaineer and rock climber. Before being a TL I used to do mountain guiding and teach climbing. I love being a TL because is a wonderful way to travel but also meet very interesting and diverse people that allow us to learn to see the world with different eyes. To me is a way to learn more about society and cultures. I am in love with my country because of its mega diversity: biological, geological and cultural. It has a very rich history and I love to share it with the people that visit us with the hope of making a positive impact on them on they way of how we see and act in the world. Also, I love to share with them the kindness and warm of our people.

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