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Internationale groepsreis Borneo Wildlife Discoverer

Discover the best of Borneo – wildlife, rainforests and tropical beaches

15 dagen vanaf € 4.560 (excl. vlucht)

Bijkomende kosten €26,25
p.p. o.b.v. 2 personen


  • Wildlife Holidays
  • Primates
  • Birdwatching
  • Wildlife Bestsellers
  • Highlight

    • — Spot orangutans and proboscis monkeys — Visit Mulu National Park, home to the impressive Deer Cave bat exodus — Enjoy a river cruise in Kinabatangan — Stay at a luxury jungle lodge in Danum Valley
    Download trip notes
    15 dagen vanaf € 4.560

    Bijkomende kosten €26,25
    p.p. o.b.v. 2 personen

Route 15 daagse Groepsrondreis Borneo Wildlife Discoverer

Borneo is home to some of the most diverse and beautiful wildlife in Southeast Asia. This adventure covers many natural wonders, including majestic Mount Kinabalu and the Danum Valley, one of the trip highlights, for a jungle trek in search of the elusive orangutan. It’s a nature lover’s paradise, whose beauty and wildlife are equalled only by Bako and Mulu national parks, which we also explore. We come face to face with more orangutans in Sepilok, stay at a bamboo longhouse in Sabah, and finish the trip in the historic port town of Sandakan.

  1. Dag 1 - Start Kuching
  2. Dag 2 - Day trip to Bako National Park to see proboscis monkeys
  3. Dag 3 - Fly to Mulu National Park; sunset walk to Deer Cave for bat exodus
  4. Dag 4 - Full day exploring Mulu National Park
  5. Dag 5 - Early rise for dawn chorus in Mulu; fly to Kota Kinabalu
  6. Dag 6 - Free day; optional snorkelling and island trip, wetland birdwatching or cultural village
  7. Dag 7 - To Kinabalu National Park; visit Sabah Tea Plantation
  8. Dag 8 - Visit Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary en route to Sepilok
  9. Dag 9 - Visit Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary; optional visit to Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre
  10. Dag 10 - Travel to Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary; afternoon river cruise
  11. Dag 11 - Wildlife cruises on Kinabatangan River and forest walks
  12. Dag 12 - To Danum Valley Conservation Centre; jungle walk and nocturnal safari
  13. Dag 13 - Full-day guided walk in Danum Valley
  14. Dag 14 - Transfer to Sandakan
  15. Dag 15 - End Sandakan
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