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Internationale groepsreis Mongolia: Steppes, Deserts & Nomads

Discover the remote Mongolian steppe, the Gobi Desert and nomadic traditions

13 dagen vanaf € 4.080 (excl. vlucht)

Bijkomende kosten €26,25
p.p. o.b.v. 2 personen


  • Culture
  • Natural Wonders
  • Cultural Wonders
  • Festival Holidays
  • Highlight

    • — Experiencethe spectacularly varied landscape of Mongolia — Sleep in ger camps (traditional Mongolian tents) — Visit Karakorum, the ancient capital of the Mongol Empire — Marvel at the rolling dunes and landscape of the Gobi Desert — Discover one of the last remaining nomadic cultures in the world
    Download trip notes
    13 dagen vanaf € 4.080

    Bijkomende kosten €26,25
    p.p. o.b.v. 2 personen

Route 13 daagse Groepsrondreis Mongolia: Steppes, Deserts & Nomads

The rolling steppe of Central Asia makes way to stark desert; across this vast landscape, nomadic ger camps are peppered, camels and goats are herded on horseback, fermented mare’s milk is the tipple of choice, dunes sing and the first intact dinosaur eggs were found. Genghis Khan went forth from here to conquer the biggest land empire in history and, to this day, Buddhist and Animist traditions mix. Join this trip and travel through steppe, mountain and the Gobi Desert to explore the nature and culture of this fascinating, yet little known, country.

  1. Dag 1 - Start Ulaanbaatar
  2. Dag 2 - To Khustain Nuruu National Park; trek to see Przewalski's horses; overnight in ger camp
  3. Dag 3 - Drive to Little Gobi Desert; visit Khogno Khan Mountain; opportunity for bird and wildlife watching
  4. Dag 4 - To Karakorum; visit Erdene Zuu Monastery
  5. Dag 5 - Morning visit to monastery; along northern edge of Gobi Desert to Arvaikheer via Shankh Monastery
  6. Dag 6 - To Bayan Gobi via Ikh Bogd Mountain
  7. Dag 7 - See rock paintings; explore region of Bayan Gobi
  8. Dag 8 - Visit the Singing Dunes, the largest dunes in Mongolia
  9. Dag 9 - Travel through the rocky plains of Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park
  10. Dag 10 - Hiking around the Flaming Cliffs of Bayanzag
  11. Dag 11 - Fly to Ulaanbaatar; to Terelj National Park
  12. Dag 12 - Terelj National Park; Genghis statue; Ulaanbaatar
  13. Dag 13 - End in Ulaanbaatar
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