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Internationale groepsreis Finnish Wilderness Week

8 dagen vanaf € 2.760 (excl. vlucht)

Bijkomende kosten €26,25
p.p. o.b.v. 2 personen


  • Winter
  • Winter Bestsellers
  • Mixed-Activity
  • Winter Mixed-Activity
  • Winter Holidays
  • Dogsledding
  • Snowshoeing
  • Cross-Country Skiing
  • Highlight

    • — Enjoy a host of winter activities in magical surroundings — Stay in fantastic lodge accommodation — Experience an evening snowshoeing under the Northern Lights
    Download trip notes
    8 dagen vanaf € 2.760

    Bijkomende kosten €26,25
    p.p. o.b.v. 2 personen

Route 8 daagse Groepsrondreis Finnish Wilderness Week

  1. Dag 1 - Start Basecamp Oulanka
  2. Dag 2 - Snowshoe hike in Oulanka National park walking through snow-caked trees and by the Kitka River
  3. Dag 3 - Cross-country skiing in the morning heading down to Juuma Lake; free afternoon
  4. Dag 4 - Dogsledding instruction and tour in Riisitunturi National Park; evening Northern Lights snowshoe excursion
  5. Dag 5 - Free day in Ruka for optional activities
  6. Dag 6 - Wilderness skills including quinzee building and fire-making; optional night in the quinzee
  7. Dag 7 - Optional activities including cross-country skiing and dogsledding; farewell dinner
  8. Dag 8 - End Basecamp Oulanka
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