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Internationale groepsreis Discover Namibia - Camping

Experience desert dunes, coastal wilderness and wonderful game-viewing in Africa’s most underrated destination

13 dagen vanaf € 2.245 (excl. vlucht)

Bijkomende kosten €26,25
p.p. o.b.v. 2 personen


  • Culture
  • Natural Wonders
  • Cultural Wonders
  • Culture Bestsellers
  • Highlight

    • — Two full days in Etosha National Park — The highest dunes in the world — The spectacular Namib-Naukluft Park Desert — Brandberg, the highest mountain in Namibia
    Download trip notes
    13 dagen vanaf € 2.245

    Bijkomende kosten €26,25
    p.p. o.b.v. 2 personen

Route 13 daagse Groepsrondreis Discover Namibia - Camping

The scenic beauty of Namibia is only matched by the diversity. Deep canyons, towering dunes, otherworldly rock formations and vast salt pans merge seamlessly in an endlessly shifting landscape. The sky seems particularly big here with spectacular sunsets and, at night, billions of twinkling stars overhead. This is the backdrop for healthy wildlife populations, which congregate around the watering holes of Etosha and a mix of communities from traditional tribes to the descendants of German colonialists. Join us to celebrate Exodus’ 50th anniversary! The departure starting in Windhoek on 2 September 2024 features extra inclusions to mark the occasion: a desert wildlife tour, a local birthday celebration and a special edition Exodus kitbag.

  1. Dag 1 - Start Windhoek
  2. Dag 2 - Drive through Namib Nuakluft to Sesriem
  3. Dag 3 - Sossusvlei and the Namib Carnivore Conservation Centre
  4. Dag 4 - To Swakopmund via Walvis Bay
  5. Dag 5 - Free day for optional activities
  6. Dag 6 - Brandberg
  7. Dag 7 - White Lady Painting and Vingerklip
  8. Dag 8 - To Etosha National Park
  9. Dag 9 - Two days game viewing in Etosha
  10. Dag 11 - On to the Waterberg Plateau. Optional 4x4 game drive
  11. Dag 12 - Waterberg Plateau and on to Windhoek
  12. Dag 13 - End Windhoek
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