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  • Walking & Trekking
  • Centre-Based
  • Food

    • — Enjoy diverse landscapes and impressive mountain scenery — Spend a free day exploring the old capital, Corte, or relaxing on the beach at Ajaccio — Stay at a beautifully located family-run hotel
  • 1

    Start Bocognano

    We start at Hotel Beauséjour in Bocognano. If there is time, we take an orientation walk, exploring this picturesque village and some of the surrounding forest.

  • 2

    Train to Tavera; woodland walk to ancient menhir (standing stone). Train back to Bocognano; circular walk to Cascade du Voile de la Mariee

    A gentle start to the week involves a 45-minute walk from Tavera station through woods and fields to the ancient menhir (megalithic standing stone). We continue to the ruins of the medieval fort just above, with stunning views of the Gravona valley. We then return to Tavera and take the train back to Bocognano, where we have our picnic lunch. In the afternoon, we walk along the quiet country lane that contours the wooded hillsides to a point just below the Bride’s Veil waterfall – the highest in Corsica. It’s particularly dramatic in spring and early summer. From here, it’s a steep ascent on a narrow path through woods back to Bocognano.

  • 3

    Train journey to Vivario; walk to Tattone and onto the Vecchio River where it may be possible to swim. Ascend to Vizzavona and train to Bocognano

    After taking the train to Vivario, we begin our walk across a ridge to the ruins of a French fort with fine views of Monte d'Oro to the west and the Tavignano valley to the east. We then descend through a forest to Camping Savaggio, and on to the village of Tattone. From there, a short steep descent takes us to the Vecchio River, where it may be possible to swim in one of the many beautiful rock pools. Our walk then takes us along a rocky path up the river valley to Abri Southwell – site of one of the earliest known settlements in Corsica. We cross the river and make the short ascent through the forest to Vizzavona, returning by train to Bocognano.

  • 4

    Train to Corte; walk along the rugged Tavignano valley and back to the historic town of Corte. Return by train to Bocognano

    A train ride (approximately 65 minutes) takes us through stunning mountain scenery to Corte. From here, we walk up the Tavignano Gorge along part of the Mare a Mare (Sea to Sea), a long distance path traversing the island from east to west. We stop for lunch next to beautiful rock pools where, weather permitting, we can swim. We return along the valley to Corte, allowing a little time to explore this small but fascinating town. Options include visiting the citadel, a fortified château founded on a rocky peak in 1419. To go inside, you will need to purchase a ticket to the Musée de la Corse, an anthropological museum in the barracks below. Alternatively, explore the historic centre, stopping at one of the many cafes, gelaterias and restaurants or have a swim in the Tavignano or Restonica rivers. After, catch the train to Bocognano.

  • 5

    Free day for an optional trip by train to Ajaccio and its beaches or to relax in Bocognano

    There are various options for your free day; you can relax around the hotel, travel further across the island or visit the coast. Ajaccio has beaches, shops and restaurants; you can explore the Musee Fesch (home to an outstanding collection of Italian paintings), follow in the footsteps of Napoleon around the city or take a bus ride along the coast. The mountain town of Corte, the nationalist centre of the island, offers the spectacular sight of the citadel and an excellent collection in the museum highlighting Corsican culture.

  • 6

    Train to Vizzavona from where we walk along the GR20 to Bocca Palmente

    From Bocognano, a short train journey brings us to Vizzavona, where we begin our walk along the GR20 to Bocca Palmente. This route includes sections through pine and beech forest and spectacular views out to Monte d'Oro and the east coast. There may be the opportunity for an optional extension to the clear water of the Cascades des Anglais rockpools.

  • 7

    Walk from the hotel to the Gravona River; walk along the Gorge of Richjusa and back to Bocognano

    A walk through Bocognano village takes us east and then north along quiet country lanes to the Gravona River. On the other side, a small but well-trodden path takes us alongside the Gorge of Richjusa, below an impressive face of granite and high pastureland, which affords excellent views across to Bocognano and gives us a taste of the wilder climbs in Corsica. You may have the opportunity to stop for a swim in the river before returning to Bocognano.

  • 8

    End Bocognano

    The adventure ends after breakfast. Speak to your sales representative if you’d like to extend your stay or begin your return journey home.

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