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9.6 26 beoordelingen
  • 10


    This trip gets to the real heart of the Galapagos and is awesome if you enjoy wildlife (mammals reptiles and birds), diverse environment, snorkelling and trekking.  

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Snorkelling off kicker rock, swimming with sealions and turtles, seeing all the tortoises, penguins, rays, iguanas close up and hammerhead sharks were superb but I think the frigate birds males dispalying on their nests took the prime position.  The trek was totally different and felt very pioneering, especially sleeping next to a live volcano!  

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Our leader Pablo was superb from all aspects.  He was knowledgeable and passionate about his country, able to communicate effectively but not overload us.  Pablo ensured we got the most out of our trip and really cared about us.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    This trip is not for the fainthearted.  It is great value for money as there are many early starts, you need to be flexible and accept that if you are in the only hotel on a small island it will not be 5* accommodation but 5* experience and views.  The food was very healthy withh locally sourced seafood, steak and chicken along with loads of fruit.  There are long and fast speedboat trips between islands, up to 3hrs but you get used to them as there is no other option because there are no airports on some islands. If you go before December you really need a full wetsuit and they are pretty cheap from Osprey as hiring did not seem to be simple.  Keep some space for Inca type gifts from the markets.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    The only downside was the Iberia Airlines which were not too bad on the way out with a direct flight from Madrid although the headphones did not work on a lot of peoples sets and the system kept breaking down. On the way back the flight was changed to an indirect flight via Guayaquil which is the opposite direction, we then had to get off the aircraft for an hour, the plane was then delayed for an hour. On the final leg from Madrid to Heathrow there was no seating plan (even though our tickets said we had seats) and we had to get on early to get our seats (although we only found that out as we boarded), the only food and drink available one had to pay for.  Do not fly Iberia they have been taken over by BA.

  • 10

    What an amazing experience!!

    I have been lucky enough to go on quite a few super holidays over the years but this one is definitely one of the best!! The wildlife was amazing and made me feel privileged to share their homeland. The trip was also so well organised and our guide was brilliant. Every day was a different highlight of the holiday; being so close to the wildlife who had no fear of humans, the snorkelling, the boat trips, the trek, the walk to the sulphur fumerole, the wild camping, the accommodation, the food, everything was better than I was expecting.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    A sea lion showing off its swimming skills in front of me while I was snorkelling. Also the snorkelling in general - best I have ever done with huge turtles, beautiful fish and even a penguin whizzing past me underwater. Watching a pair of American Oyster catchers feeding their chick while I was standing close to them on the beach. Snorkelling over white tipped sharks.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Pablo was fantastic and taught me a lot about the islands. He had a great sense of humour and looked after our group brilliantly.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Just go on this trip! There is quite a lot of walking on the trip as a whole and the trek of course is tiring especially in the heat but so worth it.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    I have already spoken to a friend who wants to go next year!

  • 10

    What a holiday!

    Everything and more than expected! This holiday did not disappoint as there was so much to see and do right from the time we landed on San Cristobal. A few minutes out of our hotel and you are walking among and around the wild life. Not that it is wild, so easy to observe and so plentiful. It was the same in the water, lots of fish and friendly sea lions. This continued on the whole trip. The accommodation is comfortable, not luxurious and it is good to stay in locally owned hotels and eat in local restaurants.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    I will always treasure our first snorkel in Darwin Bay. There was a rainbow over us as we swam and a large turtle underneath us followed by lots of colourful fish. Again snorkeling off San Bartholome a friendly sea lion came and swam with me, wonderful. Walking in the forests and seeing the tortoises and birds, walking in the lava fields on San Isabella. Well most of the holiday really!

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Fabian Ledesma was an inspiration. He had a wide knowledge of the islands and great concern for his group.Each day he would say 'Can I have your attention please? Don't forget your raincoats, your sunscreen, your mosquito spray'. He had a good sense of humour and pulled the whole group together, we all gelled very well.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    I recommend a land based visit to the Galapagos. You will see more and get to interact with the island people and bring more revenue to the Islands. It may be the effect of El Nino building but the seas were rough and speaking to people who were on cruises they got very little sleep.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    Just go for it. It is expensive but a once in a lifetime holiday with memories that will stay with me always. Thank-you Exodus.

  • 10

    Unforgettable trip

    Without a doubt one of the best holidays ever. It was my dream to go to the Galapagos so I had very high expectations. The reality exceeded them! It was amazing to see all the animals in their natural habitat and see how well they are protected. It was also a rare and fascinating opportunity to observe how the volcanic islands were formed.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Every day brought lots of beautiful moments, but for me snorkeling with turtles and baby sea lions was absolutely magical. I will keep it my memory for ever. Looking at the stars in Floreana…pure bliss. Another awe inspiring experience was seeing (and smelling!) the fumaroles at Sierra Negra volcano-worth a hassle of getting all muddy on the trek.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Pablo was great- sharing his knowledge and passion for his country, its wildlife, nature but also giving us a glimpse of what is happening in Ecuador at the moment. He made sure that everyone in the group was happy and all our needs were met. His great sense of humour was a bonus!

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Do bring gaiters for a trek-you may be lucky enough to have a fine weather in Sierra Negra, but it's better to be prepared for very wet and muddy conditions-bring extra clothes to change once on the campsite, as even if you have your waterproofs it may get wet anyway. Bring plenty of sunblock, you may buy it in Galapagos but it's quite expensive. If you coming in the 'dry' season you may want to have a wetsuit- a short will do. I used it and it made my snorkeling experience more enjoyable, although other people in the group didn't have one and used t-shirts;) Have extra cash with you, you may want to get yet another cute T-shirt with a shark or two;)

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    Just do it! I would jump on the plane this minute if I was given a chance!

  • 10

    In Darwin's Footsteps- what Darwin missed

    This was a bit of a pilmigrage for me. Working in environmental policy, the theory of evolution informs my work. And I relate to Darwin's seasickness and loved his diary of his voyages. So what is it that drawn missed? In all his theories, treatises, diaries etc, what he did not tell us was how much fun it is to snorkel with sea lions! My natural selection is swimming with sea lions. Life is better with sea lions.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Swimming with sea lions! Not a doubt in the world. I

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Our leader Fabian was great. Made sure we were safe and optimised our experience.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Go snorkelling at every opportunity.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    The wild life is amazing! Enjoy it.

  • 10

    To have experienced that which Darwin noted in his diary is truly remarkable.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    On September 17th, 1835, Darwin wrote, "I pushed off a branch with the end of my gun a large hawk". Early morning, before breakfast, on the second day of our camping expedition on Floreana Island great excitement was caused by the sight of  a similar Galapagos Hawk (Buteo galapagoensis) which, as with Darwin, was quite unconcerned by our presence. Even if we had had a gun I don't think that anyone would have wanted to push the bird off its perch! Instead, we encircled it, watched it in some wonderment and took many, many photographs. Later, on a walk across the lava fields to the lunar landscape of Volcan Chico, I was reminded of another Darwin diary entry, "The countryside was compared to what we might imagine the cultivated parts of the Infernal regions to be"! Wonderful !  

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Very good. Knowledgeable, good humoured, all that one would want in a group leader.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Take back-up storage if a digital photographer. Otherwise, lots and lots of film!

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    Another highlight?!  Riding the surf in our Yamaha twin-engined boat to calmer waters beyond where, in what were very lage rock pools, swam a seemingly endless column of large turtles just below the surface. And riding the surf back out again ! 

  • 10


    The most astonishing trip - I had the time of my life.  Every day was a new adventure with so many different sights, scenery and sounds.  The islands are truly bewitching and the itenerary meant that we saw so much of each island visited with a great mixture of trekking and snorkelling. There was never a dull moment only lots of WOW moments.  A unique experience.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    So many to choose from but it would have to be swimming with the young sealions at los lobos.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Excellent - catered to everyone's needs in the group and had a great sense of humour.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Take your own snorkelling gear and an underwater camera and for photographers a polarised filter would be very useful.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • 10


    I was excited about this trip before I went, but never really imagined that it would live up to my extremely high expectations, however I needn't have been concerned - it was simply fantastic!  Everything that I had hoped for and an awful lot more.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    It is extremely hard to identify just one highlight.  Was it walking on beaches literally littered with sea-lions?  Or seeing penguins?  Or swimming with turtles/sea-lions/rays?  Seeing blue footed boobies or frigate birds displaying?  Or maybe walking out of the cloud to see the most incredible views from the crater rim on the Sierra Negra volcano? All aspects of the trip were brilliant.  Loved it.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Our group leader, Fabien, was everything you could possibly want in a group leader.  He was organised, knowledgable, enthusiastic and extremely funny.  He wanted to make sure that everyone had the best possible experience and he worked really hard to make that happen. 

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    The hiking section of the trip is quite challenging and I would really recommend taking poles with you.  In July/August the weather in the highlands is not what you might expect as you are walking mostly in cloud.  This makes the ground muddy and slippery. Make sure that you have a good quality camera - whilst you get close to the animals a decent zoom is still really useful to be able to get some great shots.  I took an underwater casing for my camera rather than a cheaper underwater camera - it was very much worth it.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    If you can get on this trip do.  It was amazing.

  • 2


    A bit of a mixed bag, and not probably the "ideal" Exodus trip.  Some enjoyable moments, and accomodation of a high standard.  Ecuadorians very friendly welcoming people.  A bit too mainstream touristy overall, though. 

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Snorkling in the Corona del Diablo off Floreana Island

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Very agreeable, spoke good English, and a good sport.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Fourteen people is too many to really get the best out of the Galapagos.  I would advise travelling there independently or in a smaller group.  A lot of tourist attractions visited, which I could have done without. 

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    I have already fed back to Exodus that this trip needs a re-think, and certain attractions do not fit within the ethos of Exodus. 

  • 10


    Torttastic experience.... If you like tortoises this is for you !

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Sunset at the campsite on the rim of the Sierra Negra volcano, miles away from the nearest habitation was an amazing sight, as was the cloudless night sky brimming with umpteen stars and galaxies. Watching surgeon fish while snorkelling and a 100kg sea lion appears between your legs, flips over onto its back and stares at you 5 cm from your mask, blows bubbles in your face and swims off fast, to be followed by another an another...awesome.  Swimming above about 40 six foot sharks seems scarey until you come across a manta ray the size of a small car ! 

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Fabien was a well educated, amusing and highly informed Ecuadorian who spoke very good English and above all kept you interested every minute of every day. They don't come any better.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Don't even think twice, just do it. You won't regret it. Worth taking good comfortable shoes as there is a lot of walking over many different surfaces. Consider taking your own snorkel, mask, flippers and shorty wetsuit to save time hiring. Staying in hostels and hotels is much better than permanently being on a cruise boat, especially in the evenings. Take plenty of camera memory cards. We took over 2000 pictures between 2 of us.     

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    It is true what they say about the wildlife not feeling threatened by humans. Birds, iguanas, giant torts just look at you as though you are a stranger and expect you to walk round them !

  • 10


    This was a journey back to a time when animals were not afraid of man,  to a time when Darwin literally pushed a Galapagos hawk off the end of a branch with his gun. Being teased underwater by an inquisitive sea lion isn't something you forget in a hurry.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Snorkelling with turtles and marine iguanas. Seeing manta rays leaping out of the water. Walking through the weird red vegetation on South Plaza Island.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Fabian was the best group leader I have ever had on any holiday. It would be hard to find something he didn't know how to do - he could operate any camera you gave him, identify all the wildlife, give a political background to Ecuador and draw out the quietest members of the group with his wicked sense of humour.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Take lots and lots of memory cards for your camera, don't fly with Iberia if you can help it, and make sure you have plenty of water to drink at night when you're in Quito - the altitude means that you tend to sleep with your mouth open!

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    I have never travelled with such a friendly and like-minded group. Exodus attracts all the right kind of people!

  • 10


    This is a brilliant trip. The wildlife was amazing the snorkelling was stunning. Fabian the group leader was everything we could have wished for. We had looked forward to this trip for ages and it more than lived up to our high expectations. The group was diverse and probably the very best of many exodus groups we have travelled with.  

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Swimming with sharks, penguins, iguanas, turtles and rainbow coloured fish. Seeing all the unique creatures we had seen on TV and read about. At times it really did feel as if we were walking in Darwins footsteps. The landscape still feels so new and raw in many places and we saw such a wide range of habitats and micro climates over the two weeks on the islands.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Fabian was an exceptionally good group leader he always went the extra mile to make sure everyone in the group got the most from their holiday.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    If you are thinking about this trip stop thinking and do it. Wet suits are quite easy to hire but if you have done little or no snorkelling get your own mask and snorkel and track down you local club for a couple of introductory sessions so you don't miss any of the stunning underwater life. In October we were glad of our shortie wet suits because we wanted to stay in the water for as long as possible. 

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • 10


    If you CAN do this trip.....DO IT!  It was everything it promised to be....and more!There was a lot of time for snorkelling.....MOST enjoyable! March is a wonderful month to go if you enjoy the sun....although it is the rainy season we had very little rain and PLENTY of sun! A very FULL-ON holiday....NOT a chill-out one....so, if you want to put your feet up, don't chose this trip!.....but, why would you want to put your feet up when there is SO much to see and experience?!

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    There was such a lovely feeling of "basic" around! The hotels....on the Islands...were wonderfully rustic with no pretention BUT excellent care was offered everywhere! I, for one, lost track of what day it was....how FABULOUS! Someone else was looking after my food requirements (and they did that beautifully!) my well-being, my travel arrangements, my safety etc etc....all I needed to do was ENJOY MYSELF! The trip was EXCELLENTLY put together with daily variation....and HEAPS of snorkelling in the most amazing waters! Some calm....some not so calm but there was always the knowledge that our Group Leader was ever-vigilant with regard to our safety! 

    What did you think of your group leader?

    FABIAN was, in my opinion THE BEST! He was professional, knowlegeable, well informed, humerous, connected with the group very quickly and we could not have been in safer hands! This last point is particularly relevant as he had to deal with our group having to be evacuated to higher ground as a result of the Tsunami in Japan! This he did in a calm and organised manner.......an event that was NOT in our/his Trip Notes! WELL DONE Exodus for employing THIS Leader!

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    ENJOY! It is all over way too quickly! On a more serious note I would say that this IS a FULL-ON 100 mile an hour holiday...so, don't chose it if you want to put your feet up or sit for a few hours in the sun/shade reading etc! Take the equipment as the guidelines outlined.....I was lacking in the suitable SANDAL department! The trip, as advertised in Exodus brochure, UNDER-SELLS  the holiday....it could take a brochure all of it's own and still not allow one to conjure up the gloriousness of  THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS...Exodus style!

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    I think I have said it all above! It was EVERYTHING it promised to be....and some! We were cared for beautifully on some of the most exquisite Islands one can (usually) only dream of! At times I pinched myself to remind me that it was ME who was experiencing ALL this nature and beauty NOT David Attenbourgh!

  • 10


    This was an amazing holiday - varied itinerary filled with lots of wonderful experiences. I had never been on a trekking and wildlife holiday before, but thanks to the experience and knowledge of the tour leader (and the friendliness of the group) I had a fantastic time.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Lots of memorable experiences! The most outstanding moments were - swimming with sea-lions, turtles, sharks and a penguin at las Tintoreras and Bartolome; seeing a fantastic display of dolphins on the way to Kicker Rock and seeing the fumaroles of Volcan Azufre. (Musn't forget seeing those amazing blue-footed boobies!)

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Pablo was fantastic. He was organised, knowledgeable and always ready to answer any questions. You always felt he had complete awareness of the needs of everyone in the group and was always friendly and sociable - with a great sense of humour!

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Bring gaiters for the trek (it can be very muddy) and also have walking shoes/trainers as well as boots.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    If you are thinking about this one then I should go for it. It is a holiday of a lifetime!

  • 10


    Amazing wildlife on land and sea, fascinating islands, pristine beaches, interesting walking – the Galapagos has it all! 

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    So many wonderful experiences to choose from!  Swimming with sealion pups off San Cristobal, watching the antics of the sealions at Santa Cruz fish market, relaxing at a beach bar in Isabella, the ‘lunar landscape’ of the lava fields on Volcano Chico, the luxury day trip to Bartolome Island, and for 'adenaline junkies' exploring the bell and clock towers of Quito’s gothic Basilica is not to be missed!

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Fabian was fantastic.  He made sure we got the most out of every aspect of the trip.  His enthusiasm for everything Ecuadorian is infectious.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Having a pair of flippers really assists your snorkelling.  I am not a particularly strong swimmer and borrowing a short pair of flippers revolutionised my meagre swimming abilities.   There is potential for rain up in the highlands of all the islands.  It was amazing how it could be beautiful on the coast and yet 'tipping it down' only a mile or two inland!   Come prepared for the wet - light water/wind proof jacket is essential.  It is too hot to walk in waterproof trousers and so a pair of gaiters proved invaluable for preventing water entering your boots!   It is worth spending time exploring Quito - I think it is an underrated city.  I had an enjoyable couple days exploring the city before the group arrived - they missed a connection in the USA on the group flight and arrived a day late.  It proved far better to book the direct flight from Amsterdam with KLM which has great connections from many UK regional airports. I

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    This holiday is the way to experience all that the Galapagos Islands have to offer and I can unreservedly recommend following "In Darwin's Footsteps".

  • 10


    This trip is an experience of a life time !

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Sitting on a bench to check the view then realising there is a sea lion under your seat. Swimming  and a sea lion comes over to play with you. Bobbing in the clear blue sea and you realise a turtle is just in front of you as a frigate bird flies overhead and the pelicans sit and watch. Its unbelievable but true and thats just the beginning !

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Our group leader Fabian was great. He was very helpful, genuinely cared and a mind full of knowledge. Just what we needed !

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    If you can, take a wetsuit,  the sea temperature changes and can sometimes be very cold. Hiring one is not always practical. You can cope without one but it would just make it better.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • 10


    A wonderful trip that came up to all my expectations.  I chose this trip as I wanted to be land based and it gives you more time for exploration in places that sea based trips will not visit.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Swimming with sea lions and other creatures, walking to the fumaroles on Volcan Azul and generally getting so close to the wildlife

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Fabian was a very conscientious, dedicated and informed leader with a fantastic sense of humour.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Do take some sea sickness pills even though Fabian did not recommend them as they can make you drowsy. Some of our group wished they had taken them. Previous reports recommended wet suits for November, but we didn't find the sea that cold, though perhaps it can vary from year to year.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    If you don't like basic camping often in wet or damp conditions this trip is not for you, but if you can put up with it the 2 days walking round the volcano were fantastic and worth a bit of discomfort.

  • 10


    The trip had much to live upto-I'd wanted to visit the Galapagos since first learning of Darwin's time spent there.The trip more than fulfilled hopes.When we booked I hadn't realised that we would be there at about the same time of year as Darwin's visit had been back in 1835!

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    Many highlights!Mostly related to  wildlife but also scenery & geology.Perhaps watching a blue footed booby dive all of one metre away from me.Perhaps snorkelling with a turtle-but then what about the sea lions?Perhaps observing frigate birds washing in fresh water & then shaking themselves dry in mid-air.Maybe seeing the sunrise after camping on the volcano rim- but then what about the giant rays leaping clean out of the ocean and somersaulting?

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Our leader was excellent-very helpful,patient & a good sense of humour.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    Although the Galapagos sit astride the equator,the surrounding ocean can be cool as a result of the Humbolt current flowing north from the Antarctic.So consider taking a wetsuit-though these can be hired locally.It was also cool enough camping on Sierra Negra 1490m to be glad of warm sweaters & anoraks.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • 10


    The holiday was everything we expected - and more!  Really good balance of activities and islands visited.  Excellent group leader who worked well with the whole group.

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    The proximity, variety and abundance of the wildlife was staggering, both on land and in the sea.  Swimming with sharks and turtles, spotting different Darwin's finches, watching the display of frigate birds cleaning themselves in fresh water and watching sea lions cavort with snorkelers were all amazing.  Sitting next to sulphur mines where new deposits were still being created was unbelievable.

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Fabian was extraordinary.  He managed the group very well, keeping us on track, encouraging us to try things, but allowing us to decline.  He was able to judge the abilities and interests of the different members of the group and was flexible in the way that he subsequently met our needs.  His enthusiasm was infectious throughout the trip - even when the clouds were down for almost all of the 3 day trek!  He proved knowledgeable and worked exceptionally well with the locals, making sure that everything was as it should be.  He was patient and had a great sense of humour.  We would highly recommend Fabian as a group leader without hesitation or reservation.  He contributed enormously to the success of the trip.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    We found having our own snorkelling gear very handy and would probably take a shortie wetsuit if repeating the experience.  We can not emphasise enough the thrill of all of the snorkelling opportunities - even as a virtual non-swimmer.  An underwater camera is well worth the investment to capture sharks and rays etc.  Decent binoculars proved very useful, as did an SLR with a powerful zoom. We took suitcases and just used the Exodus bag for the 3 day trek - where antiseptic hand wipes were invaluable. 

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    We felt before booking that staying in accomodation on the islands would provide more opportunities to explore and this proved to be the case.  We were well fed with simple and tasty food - usually needing significant exercise to burn of the quantity!  There just seemed to be something on this trip for everybody! The local tour contact was also very helpful and supportive.

  • 10


    This holiday was the best thing I have done in my life. It was just fabulous on every level. Each day was action packed, exciting and very rewarding the whole trip is very well thought through I would have preferred one more day in the Galapagos instead of visiting the local market ...but honestly the trip is a lifetime must!

    What was the most inspirational moment of your trip?

    I loved how unspoilt, calm and truly remote and beautiful the islands were. It's an assault on the senses sometimes you just don't know where to look first or at what... It is as someone said above teaming with life below and above sea.The stunning landscapes are so varied and the plants and trees just amazing to see.My highlight was Kicker Rock. The visibility was fantastic and swimming above sharks, and Giant Manta Rays without any fear was thrilling. The fish, starfish and sheer beauty and colour of life on Kicker Rock wall were just unforgettable .

    What did you think of your group leader?

    Fabian our trek leader was excellent, working very hard behind the scenes to makes sure everything ran like clockwork there was no stress at all. He involved everyone in the group to ensure they got the most out of every opportunity there was to be had.His sense of humour and easy style added to the pleasure of the whole trip. He got involved in all the snorkelling and helped the less confident swimmers along with swimming and snorkelling. A real asset Exodus and thanks very much Fabian.

    Do you have any advice for potential travellers?

    I can understand that the advice on wetsuits is a tricky one.... I bought a new one but only used it on Kicker Rock, and it was worth it, the rest of the time I just used a thermal wet suit top for extra warmth and sun protection being a red head.Sometime you do run into cold water, but mostly it was around 20 degrees and lovely. I wished I had bought an underwater camera , the sea life was amazing. Try and buy guide books on plants, sealife and flowers before you come and bring them with you... They will be invaluable. I would also take gaiters for the trek, it was very wet and muddy when we went with lots of wet boots. I was also in a dilemma about sandals or walking trainers - sandals was the best choice along with walking boots for me. if you are not confident at snorkelling my friend took some lessons before she went which did put her in a good position when she got there..... We booked our flights separately through Iberia and I wouldn't if I could help it book with them again..... very unreliable airline and extremely rude staff.

    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    Just can't stop thinking about this magical place and wonderful holiday. Would do it all again in a shot if I could.Take plenty of memory cards and a camcorder if you have one and just book it! There is plenty of lovely food on this trip so you may gain a few pounds.

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